White Willow Bark

White willow bark gives you the benefits of aspirin without the harmful side effects.

The original home remedy for pain...this bark has been used historically as a pain reliever and fever reducer...but it doesn't thin your blood to dangerous levels the way synthetic aspirin does.

Even Hippocrates used white willow bark...and it was such a popular home remedy for pain and inflammation that Bayer Pharmaceuticals decided to create a synthetic version.  They called their product Aspirin. 

The active ingredient, which is called salicin.

They called their product Aspirin.   This is why white willow bark is now known as "Nature's Aspirin."


This is common in the development of pharmaceutical drugs.  Even though plant compounds are capable of providing powerful results, they can't be patented, which means that drug companies can't make billions of dollars by selling them for super high prices. 

So the drug companies create synthetic versions instead.  The identify the active ingredient, which in the case of white willow bark is called salicin.  Then they isolate the active ingredient and create a man-made version that can be mass manufactured.  These synthetic versions strip all of the natural balancing constituents from the plant, creating a concentrated and un-natural version that the body doesn't recognize or know how to deal with. 

That's why the manufactured aspirin can irritate the stomach lining and cause internal bleeding.

Now that you know, you don't have to play Big Pharma's game anymore.  Choose a natural treatment for your pain by reaching for white willow bark instead of synthetic aspirin when you need relief. 

Benefits of White Willow Bark

1.  Pain Reliever -- Works as well as aspirin for reduction of pain, including joint pain, lower back pain, and arthritis. 

2.  Anti-Inflammatory --Reduces inflammation in joints and other body tissues

3.  Fever Reducer -- Used for centuries to reduce high fevers

4.  Osteoarthritis --Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving benefits make this home remedy a good choice for those suffering from osteoarthritis.

5.  Migraine Headaches -- 300 mg of WWB combined with 300 mg feverfew has been shown to significantly reduce recurring migraine headaches.

6.  Anti-toxic --Studies show that WWB can reduce the side effects of toxic drugs such as chemotherapy.

7.  Cancer Prevention -- Studies have shown that WWB can inhibit the growth of lung cancer and colon cancer cells.  It also appears to kill existing cancers. 

But My Doctor Says To Take An Aspirin Every Day

Even the FDA has reversed its position on daily aspirin.  There is little evidence to support the claim that aspirin can prevent a stroke or heart attack. 

It has become clear to those paying attention that the side effects outweigh any theoretical benefits.    Some of aspirins negative effects include:

  • Increased Risk of Internal Bleeding

  • Destruction of Stomach Lining

  • Nutrient Depletion

  • Decreased Melatonin Production

  • Increased Risk of Cancer and Kidney Failure

  • Cataracts and Macular Degeneration

  • And more!!

If you would like to learn more about the downsides of aspirin:

  • Dr. Mercola wrote a great article about the side effects of aspirin immediately following the FDA's decision to stop recommending daily aspirin. You can check it out here. While Dr. Mercola and I don't always agree on everything, we both agree 100% that aspirin is a big dangerous bummer of a drug.

  • Green Med Info also wrote a great article about the downsides of aspirin and natural alternatives. Check it out here.

How To Take White Willow Bark

1.  Capsules-- the typical recommended dosage is .... at least 3 times a day (up to 5 times per day)

2. Extract (Tincture)

-- A common dosage is 2 droppers full 3 to 4 times per day.

3.  Tea

4.  Suppository -- Combine white willow bark powder with organic coconut oil.  Stir then chill.  Shape into suppositories and insert into the rectum. 

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