Natural Pain Relief
Your Guide to Home Remedies For Pain


Natural pain relief ... Stop hurting now with these powerful home remedies for pain.  Ditch the drugs and use a natural treatment for pain instead. 

I am Dan the Natural Man, and I am going to teach you everything you need to know to get natural pain relief and to stay pain free by using natural home remedies that are both safe and effective.


Let's get started with.......

Natural Pain Relief -- Make the Pain Stop Now!


Natural Pain Relief
Part 1:

Herbal Supplements for Pain

Here are some of my favorite herbal supplements for natural pain relief. 


You can try one at a time if you would like, but I find combining several herbal home remedies together creates a more potent effect, giving you even more powerful pain relief.  Combining one or more of these natural treatments for pain with my 10 Week Home Remedy Diet Makeover will ramp up your results dramatically.

As with all new lifestyle changes, it is wise to check with a qualified and open-minded healthcare practitioner to guide you on your journey as you learn to incorporate herbal supplements and other home remedies for pain into your program, especially if you are weaning yourself off of conventional pain medication.

#1. Turmeric -- Reduces Inflammation to Soothe Pain

Turmeric is the Rocky Balboa of home remedies for pain!  Turmeric root reduces inflammation in the tissues of the body to soothe you the power of an over-the-counter pain killer...without the side effects.  Inflammation is a major contributor to pain, so putting out the flames of inflammation can provide serious natural pain relief. 

Turmeric consistently delivers a knock-out punch to pain and inflammation, making it the heavyweight of herbal supplements for pain! 


Now you may be asking, "Does turmeric really work for as a natural treatment for pain"?

Numerous scientific studies demonstrate turmeric's powerful anti-inflammatory properties, making turmeric a first line of defense for natural pain relief.


Turmeric is one of the most studied herbal supplements out there...and turmeric has proven its pain fighting power time and time again.

Click here to learn how to use turmeric for natural pain relief and to learn about all of the great benefits of turmeric.

#2. Curcumin -- Turmeric's Concentrated Cousin

Curcumin is a concentrated version of of the active ingredient in turmeric that is designed to be easier for the body to absorb. It is a powerful supplement for natural pain relief, and I have some friends who swear by the power of curcumin to relieve their headaches and joint pain.

#3. White Willow Bark -- Nature's Aspirin

White willow bark is the original home remedy for pain.  White willow bark is nature's aspirin, and unlike synthetic aspirin, it has little to no side effects, while offering some of the same pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits. 


Why is white willow bark called "nature's aspirin?" 

Because the active ingredient for aspirin is a synthetic version of the active ingredient found in white willow bark.  In other words, the aspirin you buy at the pharmacy was based on the natural chemicals found in white willow bark. 


But wait?  I thought taking an aspirin a day was good for me .... The FDA no longer considers aspirin to be beneficial or safe for daily use.  To learn more, click here.

Click here to learn more about the benefits white willow bark and how to use for natural pain relief.

#4. Boswellia serrata -- Stop Arthritis in its Tracks

Boswellia trees are best known for their sap, which is used to make frankincense.

But Boswellia also has the power of a pharmaceutical NSAID pain reliever.... (shorthand for a big intimidating medical name...Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) ... without the highly questionable side effects. 

In the realm of home remedies for pain, Boswellia has unique anti-arthritic properties. What does that mean?  It means Boswellia will help prevent the arthritis from progressing any further!!

That is HUGE!! There isn’t one medical drug out there that can say that.

If you have pain of any kind, not just arthritis, boswellia can be one of your best friends.

Click here to learn more about how boswellia stops pain and the progression of arthritic and how to use it for natural pain relief.

#5. Cayenne Pepper -- Feel No Pain

"Cayenne pepper?" you might be thinking ... "But I thought peppers were just used to spice up foods and add flavor. What does cayenne have to do with pain?"

Cayenne is one powerful home remedy.  It provides natural pain relief in multiple ways. In addition to having anti-inflammatory properties, cayenne has the ability to destroy substance P.


"What in the @#%! is substance P?" Its just a fancy word for a chemical messenger that transmits pain signals to your brain. 

If substance P isn't there, you can't feel the pain because your brain doesn't get the signal.

Cayenne is good home remedy for varying types of pain, including:

back pain

  1. diabetic neuropathy

  2. migraines

  3. shingles

  4. menstrual cramps


Cayenne can be used internally and externally. 

Click here to learn more about how to use cayenne for natural pain relief and about the MANY other benefits of using cayenne. 

I have an ulcer...can I take cayenne?  Yes you can, and you should.  Click here to learn more.

#6. Vitamin C -- Fights More Than Just the Common Cold

Most of us know that Vitamin C is a great home remedy...for the common cold.  But few know that vitamin C provides powerful natural pain relief. 


Studies have shown Vitamin C is one heck of an anti-inflammatory.  (Remember anti-inflammatory means anti-pain).

To get the pain relieving benefits from this mighty home remedy, you will need to take it until you experience relief.  The exact amount required can vary for each individual and for each situation. 


Click here to learn more about how to take Vitamin C and about its many benefits.

How do you know which Vitamin C supplement to choose?  Click here for advice on choosing a Vitamin C supplement.

#7. Bromelain -- The Magic of Pineapple

Bromelain is mixture of enzymes found in pineapple that is most famous for its ability to aid in protein digestion.  But today we are going to talk about bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties..and when it comes to reducing inflammation...bromelain is Superman.


Numerous studies have shown the bromelain can relieve pain and inflammation as well as over the counter drugs.  Bromelain can also reduce the swelling and tenderness associated with injuries.(Click here to learn more about these studies.) 

And bromelain has so many positive effects on your body that you will get good side effects, not the bad side effects you get with over the counter medications.


So you may be thinking "how much pineapple am I going to have to eat to get relief?" Or maybe you don't like to eat pineapple.  No worries.

While pineapple is a very healthy food to eat, it is hard for most people to eat enough pineapple each day to get significant pain and anti-inflammatory effects.  If you or someone you know suffers from significant pain and would like to try bromelain to soothe it, a supplement is going to be your best bet.

Click here to learn more about the health benefits of bromelain and how to use it for natural pain relief.

#8. Vitamin B6 -- Take a B-Complex

We sometimes overlook vitamins as natural treatments for pain. But vitamin deficiencies can wreak havoc in the body in ways we are only beginning to understand.  Scientists don't really know the optimal daily dose for most vitamins, and every person is different.  One way your body lets you know that you need more of a vitamin is by demonstrating symptoms such as pain to get your attention. 

Vitamin B6 relieves pain by shrinking swollen membranes around your joints.  These membranes are full of something called synovial fluid, which cushions and lubricates your joints.  When these synovial membranes become swollen...they cause pain. 

Vitamin B6's role as a natural treatment for pain was first discovered in a study of  carpal tunnel syndrome, where Dr. John M. Ellis found that vitamin B6 in doses between 75 – 350 milligrams a day actually shrinks the synovial membranes that line weight bearing surfaces of joints, effectively relieving pain!!

To get the most natural pain relief from a Vitamin B6 supplement...combine a good quality B Vitamin Complex with it, as well as a daily consumption of foods that contain large amounts of Vitamin B6...


Food sources of Vitamin B6 include:

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Pistachios

  • Bananas

  • Spinach

  • Avocados

  • Brown rice


#9. Valerian Root -- Not Just for Sleeping

Valerian root is best known for its role as a natural sleep aid...but valerian root is also a natural treatment for pain. 


Valerian root's main pain relieving action seems to stem from its ability to relax your muscles...relieving the muscle tension and cramps that cause pain in the body.

When an herb is capable of relieving muscle tension and cramping, that herb is known as an "anti-spasmodic," which literally means it stops spasms.


#10. Ginger Root -- Kiss Inflammation Goodbye

Ginger is best know for its ability to relieve nausea...but ginger is capable of so many wonderful things!  Ginger is another powerful anti-inflammatory, and we all know by now that reducing inflammation means reducing pain.

Ginger root is a powerful natural treatment for the pain of arthritis, migraines, headaches, menstrual cramps and soreness.


While ginger is another good general pain reliever, it excels in relieving migraine headaches. 

Studies have shown that ginger works as well as the migraine drug sumatriptan...with way less side effects and many health boosting benefits that sumatriptan will never give you.


Yet another winner on our list of home remedies for natural pain relief...and it is delicious too!

Click here to learn more about the benefits of ginger and how to use ginger as a home remedy for pain.

#11. Jamaican Dogwood -- Relieve Nerve Pain and More!

Jamaican Dogwood is one of the most powerful home remedies for pain.  It is a heavy hitter, with anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, as well as sedative properties. 

Jamaican dogwood has been known to help some individuals with nerve pain, which is one of the worst type of pains, and one of the most difficult to treat.

Jamaican dogwood has been used as a natural treatment for many types of pain, including:

  • migraine headaches

  • neuralgia [fancy name for nerve pain]

  • dysmennorhea [fancy name for painful menstrual cycles]

  • arthritis

  • rheumatism

  • back pain

  • tooth aches

Give Jamaican dogwood a try for any pain that may arise.  Get even more powerful results by combining Jamaican dogwood with some of the other herbal supplements on our list, such as white willow bark, ginger and turmeric.

Keep in mind that Jamaican dogwood is one of the stronger herbs on our list, so it would be wise to start with a small dose and see how you tolerate it.  Jamaican dogwood does have sedative properties.  It makes some people more relaxed than others, so you should try it at home the first time you take it to see how it affects you. 

Other Herbs for Natural Pain Relief

There are so many great for natural pain relief available to you that this page could go on and on.  But let me just list a few more home remedies for pain that might be exactly what you are looking for:

  • A combination of Magnesium, Herbal Calcium and Potassium -- this is a great home remedy for pain because deficiencies in these minerals can cause muscles to cramp and spasm. Replacing these minerals in the right combination creates natural pain relief by allowing your muscles to relax. Click here to learn more about the benefits and uses of this powerful home remedy combination.

  • Arnica -- this homeopathic home remedy for pain that can be taken internally or rubbed on as a cream or gel. It speeds healing of bruises and other injuries and reduces the sensation of pain.

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the Form of Algae Oil -- this home remedy for pain is highly anti-inflammatory and helps lubricate the skin and joints. Avoid fish-based products. Get a vegan algae-based version. Click here to learn more about the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids and how to choose the right one for you.

Natural Pain Relief
Part 2:

Optimize Your Large Intestine

Unless you are actively working to ensure that your large intestine is functioning at peak performance, chances are that yours is not.  Some cases of acute (sudden and short lived) and chronic pain (long term) pain have been cleared up simply improving the performance of your large intestine. That makes bowel cleansing the most powerful home remedy for pain of all!

How does poor performance of your large intestine cause pain? 

  • Pressure -- An over-stuffed large intestine takes up more space in your abdomen, pressing on nerves and organs. (Imagine the way you feel after Thanksgiving dinner when you unbutton your pants to get more space for your belly. That's how your organs feel too).

  • Toxins -- Many toxins and other waste products leave our bodies through our large intestines. If the large intestines are not performing optimally, feces stays in the body longer, allowing the feces to rot and toxins to be reabsorbed. This leads to our old nemesis...inflammation...which causes pain sensations in the body.

Click here to learn more about using bowel optimization and a natural treatment for pain. 

Natural Pain Relief
Part 3:

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Do you have to change your diet to see improvements in your pain?  Not necessarily.  But making positive changes to your eating program will catapult you into a realm of health that CANNOT be accomplished without a dietary makeover.

Some pain sufferers have found great natural pain relief simply by taking a turmeric supplement every day...and that is wonderful...but turmeric can do so much more if you also change your body's internal environment by eating foods that are Anti-Inflammatory  (fighting inflammation) and cutting out foods that are Pro-Inflammatory (causing inflammation).

Click here to learn more about how to eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet.

Natural Pain Relief
Part 4:

Water Yourself -- Get Hydrated!


Your joints and other body tissues need to be hydrated to perform properly.  Your body needs to be hydrated to heal injuries.  Most of us are chronically dehydrated, and one common side effect of chronic dehydration is pain. 

It is important to drink the right kind of water.  For more advice on what kind of water to here.


Natural Pain Relief
Part 5:
Tools, Practices and Professionals

In addition to home remedies for pain you consume internally or rub on your skin, there are other powerful natural treatments for pain that stretch and tone your body through physical manipulation. 

1.  Inversion Table

Have you always wanted to be Batman?  An inversion machine lets you do just that.  By allowing you to hang upside down comfortably, your spine gets a break from supporting your body as gravity helps lengthen your spine, giving your natural pain relief.  You don't have to hang completely upside down.  A 60% decline is all that is required.  Click here to learn more about the benefits of an inversion table.


2. Chiropractic Care

Finding the right chiropractor can help give your body a boost in healing stubborn painful areas.  Part of your pain may be coming from a misaligned vertebrae in your neck or spine.  I prefer to use an Atlas chiropractor (click here to learn more), but I have some friends who swear by their traditional chiropractors. 

3. Yoga Practice

Almost everything we do in our daily lives tightens our muscles.  Yoga is designed to lengthen the muscles and reverse the tension we cause in ourselves every day. 


4. Acupuncture

This practice is thousands of years old and can provide great relief.  Some people swear by it, while others can't tell they even had it done.  You won't know which one you are until you try it. 

5. Massage Therapy

  If you have ever received a professional massage, nothing else needs to be said. If you have never received a professional massage, get up and go get one now!   

Natural Pain Relief
Part 6:
Educate Yourself about Home Remedies

It is important to do your own research and make up your own mind about which home remedies for pain are best for you.  I don't expect you to just take my word for it.  However, researching home remedies and natural supplements can be difficult, time consuming and confusing.

To save you some time, I do my best to back up my information with sources that can help give you confidence in your decision to ditch the drugs and choose and natural home remedy for your pain.  Click here to view the sources that back up the claims I have made about home remedies for pain listed above.

The Bottom Line About Natural Pain Relief

Conventional approaches to pain can lead you down a long dark path that often ends in debilitating surgeries and even drug dependencies...with little relief to show for it.

But thanks to all of the natural home remedies for pain available these have another can take your health into your own hands. 


You have now taken the first step by learning about what natural treatments for pain are available...

Now it is time to decide which home remedies for pain are right for you and commit yourself to the lifestyle changes required to help your body heal itself. 


No one else can heal you.  Only you can take the steps necessary to enable your body to heal the internal problems causing your pain. 

You have taken the first step by visiting my page.  Now take the next step.  Commit to following a program for at least six months.  Natural remedies sometimes work fast, but the body needs time to be patient and stay the course.

I have given you so many options, and I know it has been overwhelming.  So I have put together a few different programs (we call them protocols) that you could choose from to help you get started. 

Click here to view these options and select the natural pain relief protocol that is right for you. 

Congratulations on choosing natural home remedies for pain over conventional methods!

Want to delve deeper into the studies discussed on our Aloe Vera Home Remedies Page? Here is a list of all of the studies we referenced ....

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Any information and content such as text, graphics, and images found within our Website is for general educational, entertainment, and informational purposes only. You understand that such information is not intended nor otherwise implied to be medical advice or a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Click here to read our full medical disclaimer.