And if you did, you would have a greater chance of beating the disease.
If you are battling cancer, then you should also avoid all processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
It is well known that cancer cells feed on processed sugar. So don't give them any of it to eat. (But that doesn't include all the fruit you want).
Now lets look at a few scientific studies on specific cancers.
Breast cancer is a horrible disease that effects far too many women these days. But one study found that the plant-based vegan diet can reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence by 23%, and all cause mortality of breast cancer by 17%.
And while that may not seem significant, any reduction in recurring breast cancer is a win. If you have never had breast cancer, eating a plant-based diet will put the odds in your favor of never developing it.
Oh and putting scientific studies aside, some of the best naturopaths and herbalists have helped many people cure cancer with well-thought out health protocols that include a plant-based vegan diet and detoxification.
There is always hope, even for disease that the mainstream has deemed incurable. Check out Dr. Schutze's Incurables Program and learn how he has reversed "incurable diseases" in tens of thousands of cases. (
Colon cancer is another horrible form of cancer, but the plant based diet is very protective against colon cancer, and meat is a definite cause of colon cancer.
Of course the SAD diet increases the risk of colon cancer. After all, the meat sits in your intestines for a while because it is hard to digest. This creates toxins in your guts that can lead to cancer.
Eating a plant-based diet can cut your risk of developing colon cancer. Some studies have shown that for every 10 grams of fiber that you eat, your risk of colon cancer decreases by 10%!
The rural Africans eat a diet that is predominantly plant based diet, and they are 50 times less likely to develop colon cancer than an American on the western diet
What more do we need to understand about colon cancer and diet? The answer is clear.
But what about prostate cancer? A low fat plant based diet prevents and reduces recurrence of prostate cancer.
Dr Dean Ornish ran a study on men with prostate cancer. The purpose was to determine the effect of the plant-based diet on cancer progression. The study found that stress reduction combined with a low-fat plant based diet reduces the risk of recurrence of prostate cancer in men.
Adding flaxseeds to your low-fat, plant-based vegan diet can produce even more protection from prostate cancer. The lignans found in flax can help slow the growth of prostate cancer. Flaxseeds will also lower your PSA.
But you have to eat flax seeds in their ground form. We cannot digest whole flaxseeds. Buy your flaxseeds whole and fresh, preferably organic. Keep them in the freezer. Grind them right before using them in a coffee grinder or nutribullet, or add them to a smoothie.
The skin cancer melanoma is yet another cancer that dietary habits can influence. one study found that fruit intake lowered the chance of melanoma recurrence, while meat intake increased the chance of melanoma recurrence.
So what can we take away from all of this? It tells me that no matter what health challenge that you are dealing with, a whole-foods plant-based diet can stack the odds more in your favor. And who doesn’t want a better chance?
8. High Blood Pressure Reversal with the Vegan Diet
Unfortunately high blood pressure is very common. Of course, what is considered high blood pressure these days is questionable.
Not everyone can or should have a BP of 110/60. But the drug companies would love for us to think so, because that means more people on blood pressure drugs.
And anti-hypertensive drugs come with some serious side effects.
So what should you do if you want a healthy heart and a healthy blood pressure?
Eat a plant-based diet of course.
Have you heard of the study where coach-potato vegans had lower blood pressure than runners who were running 48 miles per week? That study says it all.
Now you know I am not suggesting that its ok to be a couch potato. Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.
But the plant-based vegan diet has such a profound healing effect on our cardiovascular systems that it should be the default diet for anyone who wants the best chance of being the healthiest version of themselves.
The plant-based diet lowers cholesterol, thins the blood, opens the bowels, gives our body an abundance of potassium, magnesium, and calcium [the heart minerals].
This helps you lose weight, and helps you feel so much better physically and mentally. You will wonder why you haven’t been eating this way your whole life.
And if you believe that high blood pressure is inevitable as you get older, or that it is caused by genetics and can't be avoided, both are a fallacy.
Don't buy into these myths. Blood pressure doesn’t rise with age in populations where the traditional diet is plant-based.
There is a mountain of evidence out there on the healing power of the plant-based diet on the cardiovascular system.
So if you currently have a higher blood pressure, or you are taking drugs for your blood pressure and you want a better way to control your pressure, go plant-based and be sure to stay hydrated.
If you are on anti-hypertensive drugs and you decide to go on a plant-based diet, your blood pressure will probably start to come down very fast, so you will need to work with your doctor to adjust your medication.
Last but not least, if you have a blood pressure that is very stubborn to respond, you might want to consider a supervised water fast to bring it down. But you will have to find a practitioner who offers that service. (Dr Joel Fuhrman is a doctor who offers supervised water fasts.)
But for most of you, a low-fat, low-sugar, low-salt, plant-based diet will be all that you need to put you on the road to healing. Add 16oz of fresh organic celery juice first thing every morning for even better results.
9. Multiple Sclerosis Improvement with the Vegan Diet
Multiple sclerosis is considered an autoimmune disease that attacks the nervous system. It usually gets progressively worse overtime.
So is there anything that you can do about it? Or should you just throw in the towel?
Of course you can do something about it. You can empower your body to heal itself under any conditions. Development of MS has been directly linked to the consumption of saturated fat. Other factors include dietary oils and animal foods like meat, eggs, and butter.
Ok, but what if you decide to switch to a plant based diet ... will you get any protection? Yes you will. Vegetable protein sources, beans and lentils, fiber, cereal fiber, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, and potassium all have a protective effect against MS.
Dr. Roy Swank devised a diet for MS that nothing has been able to touch since for MS. 95% of his patients with early stage MS who followed the diet were without progression 34 years after they adopted the diet. Even his patients with significant MS had profound benefits from the diet.
What was his diet like? For starters, is was low-fat, low-meat, and low-dairy. This diet was an early version of a plant-based diet, where you get most of your calories from whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Fish could be consumed in very small portions and red meat was not allowed for the first year on the diet. After the first year his patients could have 3 ounces of red meat per week. 2 servings of low fat dairy were allowed per day.
Of course with what we now know, the dairy should be thrown out too. This diet is used as an example of what cutting out animal fats can do for your health.
Now I don’t want any confusion, so let's be clear. The whole-foods plant-based diet that does not contain any animal food will be the most healing diet for MS and any other disease. All animal foods cause inflammation, toxicity, altered gut bacteria, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and the list goes on.
Remember if you are trying to heal then your best bet is to go completely plant based.
If you are struggling with MS, you might also want to check out Anthony William's book The Medical Medium. He has had great success with reversing MS.
10. COPD Prevention and Reversal with the Vegan Diet
COPD is a horrible disease that normally gets progressively worse until you need to carry around an oxygen tank just to be able to survive.