Natural remedies for high cholesterol
High cholesterol is a very common condition for most populations of the world. High cholesterol can become dangerous when the progression starts to clog the arterial system. The narrowing of the arteries forces the body to increase the blood pressure to keep the circulation going to the body. The increased pressure along with arterial plaque can rupture a plaque formation creating a blockage that can cause a heart attack or stroke. Heart attack and stroke are too common, especially in our country of the United States of America.
A medical doctor’s solution is drugs and more drugs and possibly surgery if the arterial blockages have become very advanced. The problem with these solutions is that the underlying problem that is causing high cholesterol is never addressed. It is like sticking your finger in the hole of a dam and other holes keep forming around the hole you have your finger in.
The good news is that lifestyle measures can bring your cholesterol back to the normal range and even dissolve some of the arterial blockages. Read the article on heart disease to learn more about the regression of arterial plaque.
Cleanse and nourish
The foundational protocol. The diet for high cholesterol reversal needs to be completely plant-based with no added oil. The only foods that contain cholesterol are dead animals like beef, pork, fish, etc.
The herbal combinations that assist in cleansing cholesterol out of the arterial structure are the bloodstream formula and the blood circulation formula.
While it is possible to lower cholesterol while still eating some animal foods, you will never be able to lower your cholesterol as much as when just eating plant foods.
Anytime we are talking about improving your health, we need to always include exercise. If exercise could be bottled and taken as a pill, it would be one of the most effective remedies ever created. Exercise is essential to reach your true health potential. Many people shy away from exercise because they think that you have to always push yourself hard and long. But this isn’t true at all. Research is now showing that just 10 minutes of exercise a day is enough to reap benefits. []. []
A well- known benefit of exercise is lower total cholesterol and triglycerides. It is best to combine cardiovascular exercise and some type of strength training to get all of the health benefits of exercise. []. the most important thing is to find the type of exercise that you truly enjoy doing. The biggest reason people quit exercise is that they don’t enjoy it. But once you find the type of exercise for you and start to see results, not only will you stop dreading your workout, you will start craving it!
I’m sure that you have heard that oatmeal lowers cholesterol. Even cheerios claim to lower cholesterol because they are made with oats. But just how much can oats lower cholesterol? Studies have shown that oats lower LDL cholesterol by 10% in some cases. 10% is pretty good for just adding oats to your diet, now imagine if you combine the oats with other lifestyle changes then you will start to see big improvements. [].
Garlic is one of the best herbs for improvements in cardiovascular health. Garlic studies show a decrease of total cholesterol by 7% and LDL cholesterol by 10%. []. Garlic is also a potent blood thinner and can help lower blood pressure. Garlic works best in its raw crushed form. Garlic can be used in cooking and added to certain dishes. Raw garlic is very potent, but adding it to certain meals mellows the flavor.
But if you really hate garlic and don’t want it anywhere near your food, garlic supplements work pretty well too.
Amla also known as indian gooseberry, has proven itself to be a very useful medicinal herb. Amla is effective in lowering total cholesterol and triglyceride levels without the side effects that come with statin drugs. []. Amla also lowers blood pressure, C-reactive protein, increases HDL, and lowers high blood sugar. Amla is another herb that protects the cardiovascular system through numerous channels.
Amla can be used in its powdered form and if you are lucky enough to have access to fresh amla berries, eat up!
Beans, beans, and more beans. Beans are a true superfood for longevity and good health. Daily bean consumption is a common denominator in every blue zone in the world. Blue zones are where people live longer and healthier than people that live in non-blue zones.
Beans help regulate blood sugar, lower blood pressure, lower total,and LDL cholesterol and are packed with fiber, protein, complex carbs, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. [].
With so many varieties of beans, they will keep you full and satisfied for years to come. Beans are versatile and can be used in a wide variety of recipes. It is best to soak beans overnight and cook them the next day. Cooking beans in a pot for at least two hours is a good place to start. And if you have an instant pot, it makes cooking your beans even easier.
Weight loss
Any time we are talking about health, our body weight should not be overlooked. Most of us have gained and lost weight at some point in our lives. And some of you may need to lose weight now. And while we all like to look better, weight loss should be about more aesthetics. Losing weight when we are too heavy is one of the healthiest ways to improve our overall health.
Losing just 10 pounds can lower cholesterol by more than 10%! []. Weight loss can seem daunting at times, especially if you put a time limit on it. But slow and sustained weight loss is the best way, yo-yo dieting will keep you frustrated. Deciding to eat a healthy diet based around plant foods and watching your portion sizes is one of the most healthy and sustainable ways to weight loss and better health. Throw a little exercise in the mix and you will have an effective plan.
Grapefruit is one of the unsung heroes when it comes to weight loss and lowering cholesterol. A study using grapefruit to lower total cholesterol levels found significantly lower cholesterol levels in the participants that consumed one grapefruit a day. Red grapefruit lowered cholesterol even more than white grapefruit, red also lowered triglycerides more. []
Grapefruit juice also lowers cholesterol. One cup of fresh grapefruit is equivalent to half a cup of juice. Grapefruit yields a lot of juice when juiced at home. Fresh juice juiced at home is always a better option than store- bought juice.
But whatever way you decide to consume your grapefruit, doing so will definitely lower your cholesterol!
Apples are one of the healthiest fruits that you can eat. The whole apple a day keeps the doctor away carries a lot of truth. Apples are wonderful for your cardiovascular system. Studies have found that eating two medium-sized apples a day can lower total cholesterol up to 10% and raise HDL up to 10%. [].
Apples also lower blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, strengthen bones, and they taste great too! It is win-win.
Stress less
Stress reduction is much easier said than done these days. It seems like there is stress lurking around every corner. Some studies are indicating that uncontrolled stress can raise your cholesterol. But doesn’t reading studies about stress raising our cholesterol lead to more stress and more cholesterol? Sure it does, especially if our nervous systems are already maxed out. So what do we do? Start looking at stress as part of life and not another threat to our health. []. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still try to reduce unnecessary stress and practice some form of stress reduction technique like deep breathing. You might not be worried about your stress, but man does a session of deep breathing feel good!
Anytime that we decide to take charge of our health, the attitude can spread to our loved ones and sometimes even strangers. Deciding to live in a more positive and healthy future will change your life in ways you haven’t even considered yet. So go now and make your future brighter and better than ever!