Acid Reflux Remedies


Learn about powerful acid reflux remedies that really work.  Get back to normal and stop wasting money on antacids by taking your health into your own hands...the natural way.

Are you tired of suffering from acid reflux, taking fistfuls of antacids with minimal relief?  Do you want to find an acid reflux treatment that is safe, effective and affordable?  I am here to teach you about acid reflux remedies that really work. 

Take control of your health and restore healthy digestion.  Learn how to get your acid reflux under control today with Dan the Natural Man.


Let's get started!

First Things First ... What Is Acid Reflux?

There is a very good chance that you have experienced acid reflux at some point...most of us have. Often times it strikes when we overindulge...or when we eat the wrong kinds of food...foods that you know aren’t good for you, but you eat them anyway.

Chronic acid reflux is also known as GERD (gastroesophogeal reflux disease).  Some of us have occassional acid reflux...while others have it frequently...and it can be debilitating and even dangerous in chronic cases. 

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid escapes the top of your stomach and moves up into your esophagus.  The stomach acid then irritates the lining of the esophagus, causing pain, irritation and discomfort.  Frequent acid reflux can take a toll on your esophagus, slowly eroding the delicate tissue.


There is a sphincter muscle (a small round muscle that acts like a valve) that keeps the acid in your stomach and out of your esophagus.  When that acid escapes through that valve, it causes burning and discomfort, and sometimes even chest pains. 

It is a horrible feeling. And it can make you dread eating because you begin to associate eating with pain and discomfort.

Chronic acid reflux can lead to more serious problems (such as esophageal cancer) if left unchecked, so it isn't about just being more comfortable.  Reversing  your acid reflux is critical for your well-being.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to be a victim of chronic acid reflux. Today we are going to look at some great acid reflux remedies that will help you put the fire out for good and bring the joy back to eating.

Acid Reflux Remedies
Part 1:

Modify Your Eating Habits

I usually start a page by discussing specific remedies for a specific condition.  (For example, alginates and slippery elm bark are excellent acid reflux remedies, and we will get to those in a minute)....but acid reflux is so strongly affected by how you eat and when you eat that we absolutely must discuss it first. 

Any acid reflux remedies you choose will be greatly enhanced by taking a close look at your eating habits and making a few basic changes.

1. Only Eat When You Are Relaxed -- Do Not Eat When You Are Stressed

This is by far THE MOST IMPORTANT acid reflux remedy.  If your lifestyle is frantic and you find yourself running all day, your nervous system is usually in overdrive.

When your nervous system is in overdrive, you cannot digest your food well.  No one can. 


When we are stressed, our bodies go into "fight or flight" mode. Blood flow is directed away from functions like digestion to help aid our muscles and brain as we run for our lives or fight for our lives. Our nervous system can't tell the difference between being chased by a tiger or being in stressful work-hour traffic. It only knows that there is a stressor in the environment, and it prepares for the worst.


No matter what other acid reflux remedies you try, if you are still eating while stressed, the remedies will not have full effect.  So it is essential to create some stress-reducing eating habits. 

Here are some tips for reducing your stress during eating:


Give yourself a nice calm clean place to eat.

  1. Sit down when eating. Don't eat while standing or driving.

  2. Don't multi-task while eating.

  3. Take your time. Chew each bite and enjoy it, taste it.

  4. Set your fork down in between bites. Don't pick it up again until you have swallowed the bite in your mouth.

  5. Don't eat when you are upset or angry. You need to eat when you are calm and digestion is able to occur.

  6. Wait at least five minutes before getting up from the table after you finish. Relax and train your body and mind to associate meal time with relaxation and calm.


2. Do Not Eat While Watching TV


If you eat while watching tv, you will eat quickly and unconsciously.  You will eat way more than you intend to and way more than you realize. 

And you will eat faster than you would otherwise, and you will not enjoy your food as much.  You also might not notice that you are overeating until it is too late.  

Check out this 2 minute video to see how visual stimulation affects how much you eat.


3. Eat More Fiber

High fiber foods seem to help the sphincter muscle work the way it is supposed to, thereby relieving acid reflux. 

Always remember the proper diet is the master home remedy for acid reflux because it is the factor that makes all other lifestyle changes work to their fullest.


Now lets talk about some specific acid reflux remedies that will offer you additional relief from the acid reflux monster living in your chest.

Acid Reflux Remedies
Part 2:

Herbal Supplements for Acid Reflux

#1. Alginates -- Make a Reflux-Blocking Raft With Algae Gel

Alginates have proven to be a very effective acid reflux treatment.

You might be asking, "What in the heck are alginates?"  If you guessed that alginates come from would be right.  Alginates are the cell wall constituents of brown algae. This all sounds very complicated, but the basic idea is this....

These alginates are on our list of acid reflux home remedies because they form a gel when combined with stomach acid, and it is this gel that becomes a powerful home remedy for acid reflux!  The gel floats on  top of your stomach a raft floats on the water...creating a barrier that keeps stomach acid in your stomach and out of your esophagus. 

The algae raft forms within  a few seconds and can remain in your stomach for hours. And the best part of all is that alginates have been shown to heal damage to the lining of the stomach and the esophageal sphincter.

It is also a safe option for infants and children, as well as pregnant women.   Make sure you are using an all-natural version.  

#2. Demulcent Herbs


Quote from Book:

The Demulcent Herbs soothe and relieve irritated, inflamed mucous membranes. They have a slippery, protective quality while applying lubrication to tissue surfaces.

Marshmallow Root,  Slippery Elm, Licorice, Mullein, Flaxseed, Coltsfoot, Lungwort Moss, Hops, Iceland Moss,


Demulcent herbs are powerful allies in the battle against acid reflux. These herbs are on our list of acid reflux remedies because they increase the stomach's production of something called mucin. Mucin forms a protective coating that protects the stomach and intestines from too much acid and other harmful irritants. These herbs soothe and lubricate inflammed membranes.

Theses Demulcent Herbs Are Great Acid Reflux Remedies:

  • Slippery Elm Bark

  • Licorice Root

  • Marshmallow Root

  • Mullein

  • Flaxseed

  • Coltsfoot

  • Lungwort Moss

  • Hops

  • Iceland Moss

Each of these herbs helps create a soothing and protective barrier over the delicate mucus membranes of the stomach and intestines. You can use them individually or in combination.

Using the three demulcent herbs -- licorice root, marshmallow root, and slippery elm -- will offer your body the chance to heal the damage to your mucosal lining caused by your acid reflux.

But these herbs must be used regularly to maintain the protective barrier they offer because the healing takes place only when the barrier is in place.

Of course in the meantime you will need to get to the root cause of your acid reflux, or it will just become a merry-go-round, and not the fun kind either.

#3. Aloe Vera


You may already be familiar with aloe vera as a home remedy for sunburns and other skin burns.  Aloe is a great burn remedy, but aloe vera is also a powerful acid reflux remedy.

Aloe can be taken when symptoms arise, before symptoms arise, or just before you eat. Two tablespoons of the gel 3 times a day is a good place to start.


Click here to learn more about the benefits of aloe vera and how to use it as a home remedy for acid reflux.

#4. Celery Juice


Celery juice is a heavy hitter when it comes to all digestive problems, and it is a go-to home remedy for acid reflux.  If you have problems with acid reflux, then 16 ounces of fresh celery juice each day should be a priority for you.

Celery juice is highly alkaline, reducing the acidic load on your stomach if you have too much stomach acid.  And it helps your stomach and pancreas produce more of their own digestive enzymes if you have too little stomach acid.  It is a great digestive system balancer!


You will need a good juicer. Click here to learn more about which juicers we recommend and why.

Here are some tips for making fresh celery juice:

  • Make sure the celery is organic.

  • Always drink the juice on an empty stomach.

  • Drink it immediately after juicing whenever possible.

  • Don't mix it with any other want pure celery juice.

  • Wait at least 30 minutes before putting anything else in your stomach.

  • If you can't drink it immediately, put in a sealed mason jar and store in the fridge for up to 48 hours.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of celery juice.

Click here to watch my YouTube video discussing why I love celery juice.

#5. Meet the Bitters

The family of bitter foods and herbs, that is.  This family of foods and herbs have been used traditionally to improve the digestion process, and this makes them powerful acid reflux remedies.

Like celery juice, the bitter herbs have the almost magical ability to help your body restore it's natural balance of digestive enzymes. 

Here are some of the effects of bitters that make them great home remedies for acid reflux:

Work with the body to help it produce more stomach acid if needed, and they help the production of enzymes, hormones, bile, and pancreatic enzymes.

  1. Strengthen and tone tissues in the entire digestive tract.

  2. Help heal damaged mucous membranes.

  3. Stimulate digestive secretions in the small intestine.

  4. Support the health of the liver, which aids in digestion by producing bile.

Ideally bitter herbs and foods should be a regular part of your daily diet, so you can benefit from their many wonderful virtues.

Examples of bitter herbs are gentian, barberry bark, caraway seeds, ginger, fennel, peppermint, wormwood, and yellowdock. 

Bitter foods examples are arugula, dandelion greens, dill, jerusalem artichokes, and kale, to name a few.

So don’t be bitter about the bitters, they can help you heal!

#6. Activated Charcoal


You may have heard of activated charcoal as a remedy for accidental poison ingestion, but this substance has many different uses.  And it is a powerful acid reflux remedy.

Activated charcoal works by trapping toxins and chemicals and transporting them out of your system. If activated charcoal can bind to poison, what do you think it could do for irritating acids and foods in your stomach and intestines?


keep a few of these tablets on hand at all times.  If you feel your acid reflux coming on, take a dose immediately with 8 ounces of water. The charcoal will trap excess acid and prevent it from traveling into your esophagus.

Click here to learn more about where to find activated charcoal and how to use activated charcoal as an acid reflux remedy.

#7. Cabbage Juice

Cabbage juice can be a great home remedy for acid reflux. 

For some people, cabbage juice is the answer to their prayers.  For others it has no effect at all.  The only way to know how it will affect you is to try it out for yourself.

The theory behind cabbage juice is linked to a suspicion that the bacteria H. pylori causes acid reflux. (This theory hasn’t been verified 100%, but in some individuals the bacteria does seem to cause problems.)

Cabbage juice has been shown to kill H. pylori.  Individuals who had success treating acid reflux with cabbage juice may have in fact killed their H. pylori infection.

Daily consumption of cabbage juice has also been shown to heal peptic ulcers within 10 days.  So if you have damage to your stomach lining, consider adding cabbage juice to your daily routine

#8. Chew Gum


How the heck is chewing gum going to help with my acid reflux?

Saliva is a powerful home remedy for acid reflux, and chewing gum actually stimulates saliva production. The saliva helps neutralize your digestive fluids.

Chewing gum also causes you to swallow more, so that anything that is trying to climb up into your esophagus gets pushed back down.

Of course I don’t recommend chewing just any gum. Most gums are filled with chemicals that are dangerous for the body. Find a natural chewing gum that has simple ingredients you recognize.

#9. D-Limonene extract (from lemons and oranges)

Most of us know that lemons and oranges are excellent foods for our health. But did you know that a compound from these two fruits can create a home remedy to help you with your acid reflux?

For some people, eating an orange or a lemon could exacerbate their acid reflux.  But when we extract a compound called "D-limonene" from peels of oranges and lemons and package it in supplement form, we have a winning recipe for acid reflux relief. 

Studies have shown D-limonene effectiveness in clearing up acid reflux. In one study 89% of participants reported complete remission of symptoms after just two weeks of taking D-limonene.

While researchers are stumped about how D-limonene relieves acid reflux, the evidence shows that it does!

#10. Probiotics


We were born with the ultimate home remedy for acid reflux ... our natural gut flora.  But antibiotics and other factors can reduce your natural gut flora.

If reduced gut flora (healthy bacteria in your digestive system) is contributing to your acid reflux, then probiotic foods and supplements can be powerful natural remedies...


I have seen probiotics virtually eliminate digestive problems in some individuals.

Probiotics help to replenish your gut with good bacteria.  This helps improve digestion, and it helps kill h.pylori (the bad bacteria that can contribute to acid reflux and other stomach problems).  

Studies have shown that probiotics have improved gastritis symptoms and decreased h.pylori infection.  Probiotics also seem to have anti-inflammatory properties, which means they can help soothe the irritation in the mucus membranes of your esophagus and stomach.

You can get probiotics through supplements and through fermented unpasteurized foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, coconut kefir, and yogurt (preferably non-dairy).   

#11. Almonds

Some people swear by almonds as a home remedy for their acid reflux. These individuals recommend eating 5 almonds as soon as they feel their acid reflux coming on.

Just be sure to chew the almonds really well.  (Of course, if you suffer from acid reflux, you should be chewing all of your food really well.)

#12. A Winning Combination -- The Ultimate Cocktail

Here is the big news -- a supplement containing 7 different ingredients eliminated acid reflux in 100% of participants in just 40 days!

What were these magical 7 ingredients?

  • Melatonin

  • Betaine

  • Vitamin B6

  • Vitamin B12

  • Folic acid

  • L-tryptophan

  • Methionine

Ok, ok....I know what you are thinking...that is a lot of ingredients in one supplement.

Well not really...there are many supplements with a lot more ingredients...but unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a supplement on the market right now that contains all these you have to gather them yourself.

It's inconvenient, but it's worth it if it completely reverses your acid reflux. 

Here's the breakdown....Researchers used this combo of ingredients in a study on acid reflux. They then pitted this supplement against a pharmaceutical drug used for acid reflux known as omeprazole.

  • 176 subjects received the supplement combination for 40 days

  • 175 subjects received 20 mg of omeprazole (Prilosec) for 40 days.

Want to take a guess at the result of the study? If you said the supplement worked better than the drug, you would be right!

  • At the end of forty days 100% (all 176) of the supplement group reported a complete regression of their acid reflux symptoms.

  • Only 66% from the omeprazole group (115 out of 175 participants) reported complete regression of their symptoms. Not to mention the drug has some unpleasant and potentially harmful side effects.

Now this supplement would be one heck of an acid reflux home remedy if it existed.  But don't fret.  You can buy each of the ingredients separately and take them together.

And I have done all of the searching for you.  Click here for a quick link to these products. 

#13. Melatonin -- Better Sleep and Better Digestion

It is now known that people with low melatonin levels are more likely to have acid reflux. Studies have shown if you give these individuals a melatonin supplement their acid reflux will get better.

Try taking a melatonin supplement for a few months and see if it improves your acid reflux.   Click here to learn more about melatonin and how to use it as an acid reflux home remedy.

Watching tv and looking at computer and smartphone screens late at night reduces melatonin production in the body.  If you suspect that low melatonin levels are contributing to your acid reflux, try to reduce your exposure to electronics and bright lights for several hours before bedtime, and try to go to sleep before 11:00 if possible.

You can also purchase glasses and other protective items that will screen out the harmful light. 

#14. Ginger


Ginger has been used for more than 2000 years as a digestion aid. Ginger has so many amazing properties that science is only scratching the surface of what ginger is capable of. 

We do know that ginger contains melatonin, and ginger is also a potent anti-inflammatory.  People with chronic acid reflux have inflammation in their esophagus, and ginger can help with that too.  All of these properties make ginger a powerful acid reflux remedy. 


You can eat fresh ginger, drink ginger juice, use ginger root to make ginger tea, or take ginger capsules.

#15. Digestive Enzymes

Another acid reflux remedy we were born with .... digestive enzymes.  But digestive enzymes can become depleted over time.

Digestive enzymes help digest the food in your stomach. Sometimes your stomach and pancreas may have problems producing enough digestive enzymes to get the job done, and this can lead to acid reflux. 

You can take digestive enzyme supplements to increase your body's supply of digestive enzymes, and there are plenty of products out there today (click here for some good choices). 

But an even better option is to make sure that at least half of each meal you eat consists of uncooked whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. These foods are still alive and they contain their own digestive enzymes.

But wait, I thought acid reflux was caused by too much acid in my stomach? Sometimes it is.  But for some acid reflux sufferers, low stomach acid is the problem.  You can get tested for it by your gastroenterologist, or you can experiment with eating more living foods to see if they make things better.

Whether your acid levels are too low or too high, eating more living foods should help provide some relief. The living enzymes in living foods are among the greatest of all acid reflux remedies and can make a huge difference over time.

Acid Reflux Remedies 
Part 3:

Eliminate Common Causes of Acid Reflux

Many circumstances can contribute to acid reflux.  Sometimes removing negative influences can be one of the most powerful acid reflux remedies. If you have any of the following in your life, eliminating or reducing these circumstances can make a big difference. 

Check out this list and see if any might apply to you: 

  • Eating too much food at one time

  • Smoking- smoking is just bad, bad, bad.

  • Being overweight

  • Late night eating

  • Wearing your clothes too tight

  • Laying down soon after eating

  • Foods and drinks that cause your esophageal sphincter to relax. (Some of the culprits are chocolate, carbonated beverages, peppermint, alcohol, high fat foods, and coffee.)

  • Some medications- aspirin, the NSAID family [which includes anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen], calcium channel blockers and beta blockers, and others.

  • Fluoride -- change your water/change your toothpaste (click here to learn more)

Other conditions might be a little more difficult to address but can still be contributing factors:

  • Hiatal hernia-- see your doctor or a naturopath who can do hernia manipulation

  • Pregnancy -- not much you can do but ride this one out for 9 months, but the other advice on this page can help you get through it

Acid Reflux Remedies 
Part 4:

Eat Foods That Heal, Get Rid of Foods That Harm


Eating a healthy diet based on plants in their whole state (unprocessed) is the greatest of all acid reflux remedies.  If you suffer from acid reflux, making changes in your diet can make a huge difference. 

Fatty animal foods are a primary cause of acid reflux.  Cutting back on meat, dairy, and eggs can make a huge difference for your acid reflux.  If you are really tough and truly committed to your health, try cutting these foods out all together and replacing with healthy plant-based whole foods. 

Obesity is also a major cause of acid reflux.

Now I know none of us like to hear all the time about how good weight loss is for us, but its true.  Especially for acid reflux, because being overweight is considered the number one risk factor for acid reflux!


The reason obesity is such a problem is that all of the excess weight increases pressure in the abdominal area, and this in turn makes it more likely that stomach acid will leak into your esophagus.

The good news is that you are in complete control of this aspect of your life.  You can make a choice today to take the steps to reverse your acid reflux and reduce your waistline by adopting a healthy diet filled with lots of plants and a large (or ideally total) reduction in animal fats.  Add in some exercise too for even better results.


You can do it, and I am here to help you and support you every step of the way!

Food allergies don’t appear to be a factor in everyone who suffers from acid reflux. But there has been at least one study showing a correlation between food allergies and acid reflux.

If you have tried a lot of the acid reflux remedies in this article with little relief, you might consider getting tested for allergies. 

You can go to the doctor and ask for a food allergy test. If you don’t want to go that route, you could try a elimination diet.  Click here to learn more about how to conduct your own elimination diet.

Acid Reflux Remedies
Part 5:

Change Your Sleep Environment

Raise the Head of Your Bed!

This home remedy for acid reflux is just good common sense. It is one of the simplest and to-the-point methods to get relieve from acid reflux, while you try to get some shut eye.

There are three basic ways to accomplish this:

  1. Use bed incline risers (click here for example)

  2. Use a wedge pillow (click here for example)

  3. Get an adjustable bed base (click here for example)

Now you are utilizing gravity as a home remedy for acid reflux. You want gravity working for you, not against you.

Liquids can’t go up hill, and that includes your stomach acid. So  change your sleep environment as soon as possible.

Acid Reflux Remedies
Part 6:

Optimize Your Large Intestine

The health of the colon has a huge impact on the health of your entire body, not just you digestive health. But acid reflux is a digestive health problem, and having a healthy and properly functioning colon will definitely have a huge impact on all of your digestive abilities.

That makes intestine optimization a must-have home remedy for all cases of acid reflux.  There is a lot of confusion out there about this click here learn more and let me guide you through it.

Acid Reflux Remedies 
Part 7:

Chill Out!

If you are a high-energy individual living a high-stress lifestyle, then you are at risk for acid reflux.  The good news is that you now have an excuse to get some much needed R&R.  Rest and relaxation are powerful acid reflux remedies.


Constant stimulation shuts down your body's natural ability to digest food.  When you are in fight-or-flight mode .... and you always are when you are stressed ... then you are not in rest and digest mode. That means blood flow is directed away from your digestive organs.

Fight-or-flight and rest-and-digest are the two modes of our body.  And our body needs some time to be in rest and digest mode.  Giving your body some downtime from the constant adrenaline of your life may be the perfect home remedy for your acid reflux.


Acid Reflux Remedies
Part 8:


Drink more water!

Water is a powerful home remedy for acid reflux.

Sub-optimal hydration can have detrimental effects on every aspect of body function, especially digestion.  Most Americans are chronically under-hydrated (meaning they almost always don't get enough water), and this can lead to everything from constipation to acid reflux.

Click here to learn more about how much and what kinds of water to drink.

Want to delve deeper into the studies posted on our Acid Reflux Remedies Page?  Here is a list of all of the studies we referenced ...

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