We all know that exercise is very important for our health and longevity. If you are having trouble sleeping, starting an exercise routine may be all you need to get your sleep back on track. Studies have looked at what type of exercise seems to elicit the greatest effect on insomnia. A study comparing moderate aerobic activity, high- intensity aerobic activity, and moderate intensity strength training on insomnia found that the moderate- intensity aerobic group was the only one that experienced insomnia improvement. This makes sense considering that anxiety and stress common culprits for insomnia.
Vigorous exercise can be another stressor, especially if you are already suffering from a stress disorder like insomnia. More gentle exercise is a stress reducer, moderate aerobics can exert a relaxing effect on the body. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2883039/]. This is probably one reason why yoga has been shown to improve insomnia, yoga is a very effective form of relaxing exercise after all tight inflexible muscles will do little to help relaxation. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sleep-newzzz/201210/yoga-can-help-insomnia]. one thing is for sure, we are all unique and studies can be limiting.
So if a hard strength training workout helps you sleep then by all means do it! After all, to have a balanced exercise routine you must perform some form of resistance training, aerobic, and flexibility training. Just listen to your body, if you are suffering from insomnia, experiment and see what type and intensity of exercise works form you.
Earthing or Grounding
Our bodies collect static electricity through the top of the head. This electricity is essential for our bodies, but it has to be grounded. This process used to work smoothly when people lived more closely with the earth and nature, now a lot of us live most of our lives indoors and rarely get out in nature. This static electricity comes through the top of our heads and down our spines, through the body and leaves through the bottoms of our feet. But if we are always wearing shoes and rarely if ever walk barefoot on the earth, the electricity stays in the body. When this electricity can’t leave the body it becomes toxic to the body and new static electricity can’t enter our bodies. This toxic build-up can cause stress and insomnia. But the fix is easy. Spend a few minutes outside everyday walking barefoot on your lawn or some other peaceful piece of earth. There are many other health benefits of grounding, benefits include reducing the thickness of the blood, reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system, reduces pain, speeds healing, and vagal tone improvement. This is an overlooked health practice with tremendous health benefits. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/]. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28987038]. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22757749].
Blue Light
While modern technologies like the internet and smartphones have changed many things for the better, there are some downsides when it comes to you experiencing a good night’s sleep. Smartphones , tablets, computers, and some modern light bulbs expose you to blue light. Exposure to blue light during waking hours can be beneficial, but nighttime exposure comes with some unhealthy consequences. The first one is sleeplessness and the inability of the body to produce melatonin. Blue light also interferes with our circadian rhythms and quality of sleep.
If this situation is going on over a long period of time, negative health consequences can develop. Our risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, immune function, and overall quality of life increase dramatically. Proper sleep is right up there with a proper plant- based diet as far as long term health is concerned. So what can you do about the blue light nemesis?
One thing is to avoid technology after the sun goes down, of course in the era of technology addiction and late- night office work, that might not be feasible. Most devices have blue light filtering apps, if your device doesn’t, the apps can be downloaded. Blue light blocking glasses are another option. There is also blue light blocking filters for screens. You also want to check what kind of light bulbs that you are using in your house. LED bulbs produce a significant amount of blue light. There are some blue light free light bulbs on the market now, some of these are the Lighting Science FG-02263 Goodnight Sleep Bulb, SORAA Healthy A19 LED Dimmable 600-Lumen Soft White, Sleepy Baby LED Nursery Light and the Nite-Nite Light Bulb. [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170822103434.htm]. [https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side].
The amino acid tryptophan has a track record for helping insomniacs. It makes complete sense when you realize tryptophan is a precursor for serotonin, tryptamine, and melatonin. So this fact makes it a pretty important player in insomnia. Tryptophan isn’t hard to come by if you eat a healthy plant- based diet, but in studies, a supplemental form of tryptophan was used. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3090582]. Tryptophan can be used in single large doses or multiple smaller doses. Some studies show that multiple small doses work better in more well established or severe insomnia.
Stress is a contributor to every disease state under the sun. If you are chronically stressed or at dis-ease, insomnia can develop. A lot of people have trouble falling asleep at night because of their racing thoughts, they can’t seem to turn their minds off. If this is you, it would benefit you to find stress reduction techniques. There are many effective stress reducing techniques that you can employ. Techniques include tapping, biofeedback therapy, yoga, meditation, prayer, counseling, deep breathing exercises, body scan, and guide imagery. But you have to be honest with yourself. If you are truly unhappy with your life, whether it be a job you hate, an abusive marriage, abusive friends, past traumas, etc., only you know what is bothering you. I encourage you to get out of the situation and get help if need be. We all deserve to live a happy stress-free life, but you have to work on creating it.
So as you can see, when you are treating yourself holistically, you have to look at the whole picture. By eating a nourishing plant- based diet, ensuring that you avoid as many chemicals as possible, implementing detoxification, maintaining or improving bowel health, exercise, stress reduction, herbs, hydration, etc. While all of these principles may seem overwhelming at first, remember that you are worth it, you are worth taking care of. No one else is going to look after your health but you. So if you are suffering from insomnia, implement some of the herbs and lifestyle changes that we have discussed. Once you start implementing healthy lifestyle changes, you must give the changes time to work. Remember it took a long time to develop a health problem, so it will take time to reverse it. Three months is a good time frame to start seeing health improvements, stay consistent and in time you can conquer insomnia.