Cayenne Pepper


Cayenne pepper has so many health benefits, herbalists call it the Master Herb.

The range of superpowers possessed by this family of hot peppers is staggering!!!


Reverses heart disease...cleans clogged arteries...lowers blood pressure...stops heart attacks and strokes in their tracks!  These are just a few of cayenne's many abilities. 

No wonder herbalists call it the Master Herb.  Let's learn more about this spicy superhero.....

20 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper


Most of us know cayenne pepper as a powdered spice that gives your food some kick.  But for a herbalist...cayenne pepper refers to family of hot peppers that have a heat index of at least 100,000 units. 

The mountain of scientific research demonstrating cayenne pepper's wide range of health building properties continues to grow every year.  One of the active ingredient , called capsaicin, can be found in many scientific journals, and the results are often quite impressive.  For example....


1.  Prevents Clot Formation -- If you take cayenne pepper as a home remedy every day, then you can throw out that bottle of aspirin.  It works better than aspirin at preventing blood clots.... without the negative side effects.  Studies have shown that capscaicin increases fibrinolytic activity and hypocoagulability of your blood... big words that basically mean that consuming a lot of cayenne makes your blood thinner...making you a lot less likely to form a clot ... dramatically reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure -- Acts as a vasodilator...which means it causes your arteries to your blood flows through your body more easily. This in turn lowers the amount of pressure your heart has to to exert to pump blood through the veins. As a matter of fact the great herbalist Dr Christopher suffered from high blood pressure that he successfully lowered with the use of cayenne. He used 3 teaspoons a day of cayenne powder (at least 100,000 heat units).

3. Food for the Heart -- Considered the perfect food for the heart, because it is a good source of vitamin A and C, B1, B2, B3, as well as being a great source of calcium and potassium. One of the best herbs...if not the very best herb...for your heart and circulatory system.

4. Reduces Atherosclerosis (Clogged Artieres) -- Reverses plaque build up on the arteries when consumed regularly. Even more powerful when combined with a plant-based diet.

5. Corrects Heart Arrythmia -- Heart arrhythmia can scare the daylights out of you and keep you in a state of constant fear. The good news is...yet again...cayenne pepper comes to the rescue. I have seen many cases of arrythmia improved with regular cayenne intake. Take it 2-3 times a day to prevent or minimize arrythmia, and take during an episode to settle down an attack.

I had a client come to me once after finishing a 30 day regimen of antibiotics.  Shortly after completing the antibiotics, he experienced severe arrhythmias lasting long as an hour each time....[Yes if you are thinking some synthetic antibiotics are dangerous for your heart, you are right.]...This ordeal was weakening the client and disturbing his daily duties.  So what did we do...

The client bought a good strong cayenne tincture. The next time his arrhythmia started, he took 1 or 2 dropperfuls tincture in water. In less than five minutes his arrhythmia totally stopped and his heart rhythm returned to normal. Each time he had another episode...the tincture would work every time. He also implemented dietary changes and added supplements to his diet. Now his arrhythmia problem is almost gone and completely under his control!

6. Reduces Cholesterol -- Lowers total cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol to HDL ratio. Studies show that cayenne pepper has cholesterol lowering abilities even when the rats eat a high fat and high cholesterol diet....(But if you are thinking that this gives you a free pass to eat all the fat and cholesterol in the world then you are missing the point. Remember a high fiber plant based diet is the ultimate home remedy.) 

7. Stops Heart Attacks and Strokes -- A large dose will of cayenne pepper will stop a stroke or heart attack in its tracks. 10 dropperfuls of tincture down the throat immediately at the first sign of a heart attack or stroke will stop the attack and minimize any damage. If cayenne powder is used, a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water should do the trick. The great Dr Christopher tested this theory many times and it never failed.

8. Prevents Heart Attacks and Strokes -- If you have been paying attention so far, you have probably figured out that cayenne can prevent heart attacks and strokes. But don't take my word for it. Check out all this great research!

9. Pain Reliever -- Relieves pain because it's active ingredient (capsaicin) destroys substance P... the chemical messenger that transmits pain signals to your brain. Especially good for joint pain. Take it internally and rub it directly on the site of pain.

10. Stops Internal and External Bleeding -- Pack powder or pour tincture on an open wound to stop bleeding. Take it internally for internal bleeding. Does it burn? Not that much. is is also a pain reliever!


11. Stimulates the Circulatory System -- Increases blood flow throughout the body and to all body organs, which helps other herbs and nutrients get where they need to go. Super helpful for the brain when taken with ginkgo, ginger and rosemary.


12. Relieves Migraines (and Cluster Headaches)-- If you suffer from either of these, then you have looked far and wide for relief. But you probably haven’t considered using a pepper in your nose....One study used a capsaicin emulsion (mixed in oil) inside the nostrils once a day for seven days. At the end of 7 days the migraine group reported a 50 to 80 percent reduction in their migraine pain. The same treatment was used in the study with cluster headaches with similar promising results. Capsaicin creams can be bought on the market, or you can make a emulsion at home by adding a good quality powder (minimum 100,000 HU) to either coconut oil or olive oil.

13. Controls Blood Sugar -- Helps regulate blood sugar and keep it at healthier levels by helping your pancreas produce insulin and reducing the amount of insulin required after a meal. Seems to be helpful for all forms of diabetes, including gestational and Type I diabetes. Don't expect instant results here ... let it build up in your system over time by taking it 2-3 times every day. Combine with a low-fat whole-foods plant-based diet for maximum results.

14. Halts the Spread of Cancer -- Studies of prostate cancer patients have shown that cayenne pepper can kill cancer cells and prevent cancer from spreading. Cayenne seems to have merit in not only prostate cancer, but pancreatic cancer, lung, and leukemia. Should be part of any cancer treatment or prevention program.

15. Improves Digestion -- Cayenne pepper stimulates digestion and peristalsis and relieves gas. Many cultures around the world eat hot peppers in most of their meals. They know that cayenne has a positive effect on their digestion.

16.  Heals Ulcers and Prevents Ulcer Formation -- Now I know it is counter-intuitive, but before you say I’m crazy....hear me out. Now I’m sure most people would think that cayenne pepper could cause an ulcer, or at least make an existing ulcer worse. But oddly enough, this isn’t true! Cayenne can actually protect you form getting an ulcer and help heal existing ulcers. How does this work?

  • Kills the ulcer forming bacteria known as h.pylori

  • Inhibits excessive stomach acid secretion

  • Stimulates stomach mucosal secretions (which help coat the stomach and ulcer)

  • Stimulates blood flow in the stomach (which means better healing).

  • Stops ulcer bleeding, because cayenne stops internal and external bleeding. To use cayenne to help heal ulcers you would start with ¼ tsp 3 times a day, and work your way up to 1 tsp 3 times a day.

17. Soothes Rhinitis -- Rhinitis is inflammation of the nose. For those of you who suffer from rhinitis, cayenne can help you feel so much better. Studies have shown it outperforms the drug budesonide [a steroid]. This is great because steroidal drugs can have nasty side effects if used long term. You may experience some burning, and possibly sneezing or coughing. But all of these are minor, you will get used to it, and it won't damage your nasal tissue. (The same can’t be said for pharmaceuticals.)

18. Clears Congestion --Dr. Christopher always said that cayenne pepper clears congestion in any area of the body. If you have congestion in your chest or sinuses or in your heart, turn to cayenne to break it up.

19.  Emergency First Aid -- Can bring someone out of shock or hypothermia.  Can prevent someone from losing consciousness.  Can stop blood flowing from an open wound.  Acts as an anti-septic.  Can stop a heart attack or stroke.  I never leave home without it! 

1 teaspoon of cayenne powder or several droppers full of cayenne tincture taken internally can stop the bleeding.  You can also apply cayenne directly to the wound.  Be sure to use a cayenne that is at least 100,000 heat units for best results.

Click here to hear Dr. Christopher talk about the power of cayenne in emergency situations.

20.  Even More Health Benefits:

  • Reduces Many Forms of Irritation

  • Stimulates Saliva Production

  • Reduces Redness

  • Anti-Fungal/Anti-Bacterial

  • Increases Thermogenesis/Aids in Weight Loss

  • Anti-Inflammatory

  • Inhibits Gallstone Formation

These are just a few of the amazing properties of this herb.  Click here to read about some of the scientific studies showing the power of cayenne pepper and it's active ingredient capscaicin.

There are so many studies out there....if you are curious go to and search for yourself.

How Do I Take Cayenne Pepper

You can take the Master Herb in many forms:

1.  Capsules-- the typical recommended dosage is .... at least 3 times a day (up to 5 times per day)

2.  Extract (Tincture) -- A common dosage is one dropperful 3 times per day in a small amount of water or orange/apple juice.  If necessary, build up your tolerance by taking 5 - 10 drops per day and increasing it until you can do a whole dropperful.     

3. Make a Tea --  Put the powder directly into hot water tea and drink it.  1 teaspoon of powder per 1 cup of water.  Hot water gets the cayenne into your system more quickly.  You could also put it into other beverages, such as hot apple juice or cider. 

4.  Balm or Emulsion --  Add powder or extract to coconut oil, olive oil, or any other carrier oil you prefer.  You can also buy balms with the cayenne already added.  Rub it directly on the area where you have pain or congestion.

5.  Herbal Snuff -- This one is not for the faint of heart, but Dr. Richard Schulze swears by it for sinus relief.  You take a pinch of powder, place it on your hand, and snort it up your nose.  It burns, and the first try might put you on your knees, but you will get used to it, and it really works.  Dr. Schulze adds bayberry bark, goldenseal and powdered garlic to his snuff for a quadruple threat. Add cayenne but don't go overboard, in this application a little goes a long way.  Use it 2-3 times a day for at least 2 weeks, and any time you feel sinus problems coming on.

6.  Eat It -- Cooking with fresh peppers is a great way to get more of this Super Herb into your system each day.  I recommend using a supplement along with eating it so that you get plenty into your body regularly. 

Tip #1: Make sure your peppers have a heat index of at least 100,000.  (Click here to learn more about heat index).  Culinary powders usually have a heat index of 40,000, and habanero peppers have a heat index around 250,000.

Tip #2: Don't worry about taking too much. The more the better.  Herbs don't work like drugs.  Your body is intelligent and will use what it needs. 

Tip #3: If you feel burning or indigestion, make sure you take it with food.  I can take it on an empty stomach with no discomfort, but some people need some food as a buffer.

Tip #4:  It is hot.  That's part of what makes it so powerful.  If you are taking the tincture, it is okay to build up your tolerance.

Tip #5:  I make my own extract, and I use dried african bird peppers, which have heat index of 100,000.  I soak them overnight in 100 proof vodka (preferably non-GMO if you can find it).  Then I put them in the blender with the vodka and grind them up.  I move them to a glass jar, cover them with more vodka (I like half vodka and half peppers in my mixture.  Then I let them sit for 2 weeks, shaking once daily.  Then I strain them and I have my own tincture.

Want to delve deeper into the scientific studies posted on our Cayenne Home Remedies Page?  Here is a list of all of the studies we referenced ....   --- type 1 diabetes   -- weight loss and insulin

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