Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most powerful herbs and superfoods on the planet.  From combating pain and inflammation to reversing the debilitating effects of alzheimer disease, this superhero of an herb has shown great promise in helping with some of our most devastating modern diseases.

So what makes this herb such a potent and versatile all-star player? 

We are going to explore some of the properties of turmeric and some of the many scientific findings demonstrating the power  and versatility of turmeric. So strap in because it is going to be a fun and eye-opening ride!


What is Turmeric?

You probably have consumed turmeric before whether you know it or not. If you love curry, then you have definitely eaten your share of this delicious yellow herb.  It is a primary ingredient in Indian food. 

Even if you don’t like indian cuisine, I bet you like mustard. Well it turns out that most commercial mustard contains turmeric. Don’t believe me? Hop up and go to the fridge and check the ingredient list on your mustard bottle.

Turmeric is a plant...and the part of the plant used for cooking and medicinal purposes is the root.   The root looks similar to ginger, except it is smaller and has a deep orange-yellow color.  

This root can be eaten fresh or juiced fresh. It is often dried and ground into a powder, and this powder is what is inside most turmeric supplements.  The fresh or dried root can also be blended into a tincture (aka an extract).

What Does Turmeric Do?

The list of benefits turmeric provides just keeps growing as scientists delve deeper into the mysteries of this magical herb.  As we are going to see, taking turmeric or curcumin regularly can help us all avoid some of the most common diseases of our era. Here are some of the properties that make turmeric a super hero....

1. Pain Reliever & Anti-Inflammatory -- Turmeric is best known for its ability to combat pain by reducing swelling, redness and other symptoms of inflammation. Chronic inflammation can be painful and causes damage to the body, but this Super Herb helps the body return to a normal healthy state. This makes turmeric a great home remedy for pain, as well as a ton of other inflammation-based problems.

2. Crosses the Blood-Brain Barrier -- The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin. Numerous studies have shown that curcumin is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. That means that the benefits of turmeric can be delivered to your brain, which is great news for those suffering from Alzheimer's and other brain conditions.In fact, turmeric may have the potential to break up amyloid plague, found in the brains of individuals suffering from Alzheimer's.

3. Anti-oxidant & Cancer Fighter -- Turmeric helps reduce the effects of free-radicals in your body. This prevents degradation of the tissues of your body, which has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer and other diseases.

4. Protects against plaque build up in the heart -- This makes turmeric a must have for those recovering from heart disease and those with a family history of heart conditions.

5. Helps balance glucose levels in the blood -- If you are recovering from diabetes or managing your diabetes, this is a must-have herb. Use it daily.

6. Anti-depressant -- Studies have shown that turmeric can make a huge difference for those suffering from depression. Good thing it can cross the blood-brain barrier!

7. Kills Cancer Cells -- Turmeric can cause cancer cells to destroy themselves. That's great news!

8. Anti-Microbial & Ulcer Healer -- Studies show turmeric can eradicate H-pylori bacteria in the gut...a common cause of ulcers. This combined with its anti-inflammatory properties can get your gut back to normal and keep it that way.

9.  Liver Stimulator & Protector -- Turmeric helps the liver produce enzymes that cleanse the liver and breakdown toxins.   And it also helps reduce inflammation and oxidative damage in the liver.

These are just a few of the amazing properties of this herb.  Click here to read about some of the scientific studies showing the power of turmeric and it's active ingredient curcumin.

There are so many studies out there....if you are curious go to and search for yourself.


How Do I Take Turmeric?

You can take this Super Herb in many forms:

1.  Capsules-- the typical recommended dosage is 500 milligrams at least 3 times a day (up to 5 times per day)


2.  Extract (Tincture) -- A common dosage is 150 milligrams of a turmeric extract per day.  (Note: 150 mg extract should contain about 25 milligrams of curcumin.)  You can buy droppers with measurements on them.  Or you can do what I do and take 2 dropperfuls 3 times per day.

3.  Eat It -- Cooking with fresh root or powder is a great way to get more of this Super Herb into your system each day.  I recommend using a supplement along with eating it so that you get plenty into your body regularly. 

4.  Juice It -- Not the cheapest way to get turmeric into your system, but a very powerful option.  Some grocery stores carry fresh turmeric root, or you can grow your own.

5. Make a Tea --  You can use fresh or dried root.  If you are going to use the dried root, it is a good idea to let it soak a few hours or overnight.   Place the fresh or dried herb in distilled water and boil for 15-20 minutes.  Strain and enjoy.

6.  Golden Milk --  A yummy drink and a delicious way to consume turmeric.  Of course, we prefer our golden milk dairy free, and here is a great recipe from one of our favorite blogs.

Tip #1: Your body will absorb the powder better if you mix it with a little bit of black pepper and a carrier oil (such as coconut oil).  You should use oil and pepper when cooking the root as well.  Some supplements combine all of these ingredients for you.

Tip #2: Don't worry about taking too much. The more the better.  Herbs don't work like drugs.  Your body is intelligent and will use what it needs. 

Tip #3: Choose the right supplement.  Some supplements contain high levels of lead, and we don't want to put lead into our bodies.  Read on to find safe brands that have been lab tested.

Tip #4:  Curcumin is the active compound found in turmeric.  Some supplements  contain turmeric and curcumin.  Don't let this confuse you.  Some studies show that the body has difficulty absorbing curcumin from turmeric, so many supplements just give you straight curcumin instead.  I suggest that you try different varieties and see what works best for you.  Personally, I take whole turmeric with pepper and coconut oil added because I believe herbs work best in their whole state.

Want to delve deeper into the scientific studies posted on our Turmeric Page?  Here is a list of all of the studies we referenced ....]

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